Timeline Archives - ISKL Alumni https://www.iskl.edu.my/alumni/category/timeline/ Community Fri, 25 Nov 2022 06:08:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 https://www.iskl.edu.my/alumni/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/iskl-alumni-logo-150x150.png Timeline Archives - ISKL Alumni https://www.iskl.edu.my/alumni/category/timeline/ 32 32 2010s https://www.iskl.edu.my/alumni/2010s/ Wed, 22 Nov 2017 09:15:00 +0000 https://www.iskl.edu.my/alumni/?p=44062 Head of School Paul Chmelik: 2006-2013 Dr. Norma Hudson: 2013-2019 The new decade of ISKL has seen significant changes in the administration as the school sets about to continue its growth and development as a world class school, while maintaining the ISKL feel – “a small school with big school opportunities”. In 2012, almost 10 […]

The post 2010s appeared first on ISKL Alumni.

Head of School
Paul Chmelik: 2006-2013
Dr. Norma Hudson: 2013-2019

The new decade of ISKL has seen significant changes in the administration as the school sets about to continue its growth and development as a world class school, while maintaining the ISKL feel – “a small school with big school opportunities”.

In 2012, almost 10 years into the search of a new campus site, an inquiry regarding a 26 acre site of Jalan Ampang Hilir was acknowledged and given support by the Malaysian Government. The ISKL Board announced in April 2013 that they were negotiating with various government agencies on the site. The new Ampang Hilir site is our opportunity to deliver an exceptional world-class international school, keeping ISKL relevant into the future, continuing to provide a superior education to our current students, and the students of tomorrow. The new campus was ready in August 2018 and was officially opened on February 2019.

The post 2010s appeared first on ISKL Alumni.

2000s https://www.iskl.edu.my/alumni/2000s/ Wed, 20 Sep 2017 09:13:17 +0000 https://www.iskl.edu.my/alumni/?p=44059 Head of School William Powell: 2000-2006 Paul Chmelik: 2006-2013 The start of the new millennium saw a reestablishment of the expectations for the community to resolve issues of the previous few years, moving the school forward. Decisions and actions were consistently focused on school improvement and realizing our school’s mission statement. An array of highly […]

The post 2000s appeared first on ISKL Alumni.

Head of School
William Powell: 2000-2006
Paul Chmelik: 2006-2013

The start of the new millennium saw a reestablishment of the expectations for the community to resolve issues of the previous few years, moving the school forward. Decisions and actions were consistently focused on school improvement and realizing our school’s mission statement.

An array of highly qualified consultants were invited to ISKL who influenced school board governance, educational programs, teaching, assessment, and personal relationships. Professional development blossomed. Once again the school was moving forward and a great place to be for students, faculty and staff. Recognizing the growth pattern that was happening with enrollment, discussions of long-term plans for future locations for ISKL began, including relocate to a new campus that could accommodate all three divisions.

In 2004-2005, ISKL celebrated its 40th Anniversary. Campus improvements continued, including an artificial field, a new “Pac Shack” area, the swimming pool was re-tiled, the Melawati Library was expanded, a new High School science lab was built, and the Melawati Studio was enhanced by better sound, lighting, and screen equipment.

During this decade, ISKL established the IB Scholarship Program and established its first formal Alumni Office. It also saw the start of a new High School annual tradition, the Global Action Program, with High School students having the opportunity to travel to countries around the region to undertake service work.

The post 2000s appeared first on ISKL Alumni.

1990s https://www.iskl.edu.my/alumni/1990s/ Wed, 10 May 2017 09:11:47 +0000 https://www.iskl.edu.my/alumni/?p=44055 Head of School Dr. Richard Krajczar: 1989-1996 Barry Farnham: 1996-1999 Much of the 1990s was characterised by growth in student numbers and building projects, including a middle school extension, more classrooms, a dance studio, senior lounge and the largest project of all, a new campus at Melawati. Land had finally been purchased and work started […]

The post 1990s appeared first on ISKL Alumni.

Head of School
Dr. Richard Krajczar: 1989-1996
Barry Farnham: 1996-1999
Much of the 1990s was characterised by growth in student numbers and building projects, including a middle school extension, more classrooms, a dance studio, senior lounge and the largest project of all, a new campus at Melawati. Land had finally been purchased and work started in May 1991, with Melawati campus opening in August 1992.

Meanwhile, implementation of the International Baccalaureate program began, foreign language was added for the older students, band became an option in Grade 5 and technology continued to grow. It was time for a strategic plan. During the 1994-1995 school year the board and representative members of the community developed a Mission Statement and a set of Core Values to be used in guiding future planning at ISKL. Based on this the board authorized the development of the strategic plan.

At the end of this decade Malaysia encountered financial difficulties due to the economic downturn, not helped by a prolonged haze. The fortunes of the school mirrored the location, meaning the school was not in a good place by the end of 1999. One good thing to come out of the haze was the successful implementation of the on-line/on-site-program for students who either stayed at home of left the country.

The post 1990s appeared first on ISKL Alumni.
