ES does Madagascar… The First ES Musical in 15 Years!

Students in the Art ASA program, under the tutelage of Art Teacher, Nalini Krishan, created the fantastic paintings for the set design for both the New York city zoo and skyline. Costumes were made by noted costume designer, Ms. Dominique Devorsine, who also happened to make the same costumes for the High School musical last semester,  ‘Bring it on.'
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Last month, 53 of our Grade 3, 4, and 5 students performed in the ever so popular family favorite  “Madagascar.. the Musical”.

Having rehearsed since September last year, the ES students had been working hard to put on a show – and what a show that was!

Max Mangelsdorf, producer of the ES musical shared that what started as a Theatrical Play after school activity (ASA), turned out to be a more significant endeavor.

“Everyone who joined the ASA had a part. In the first couple of weeks, all the students took part in theatre games, and by the third week, we had to decide who would play the lead roles.

‘We auditioned the students by asking them to read some lines from the musical – and from there, we picked the lead roles.”

Curious to find out more, we interviewed some of the lead performers who shared their take on the show:

Jack H. (King Julien, King of the Lemurs)

“It was enjoyable. We had a great time practicing – and had access to the equipment, the stage, props, and mikes. The costumes were amazing too.”

Ray Z.  (Maurice the Lemur)

“I enjoyed having access to the equipment and costumes. The teachers were so supportive and helpful.”

Caden T. (Melman the Giraffe)

“I liked it – I am always really nervous when the show first starts, but once we got going, it is so much fun.”

Pranav C. (Alex the Lion)

“The best part of working in the musical is being with my fellow cast members, and making new friends.”

Arden H. (Gloria the Hippo)

“My favorite part of being in the play is being in the play. I always wanted to be in one”.

Clea-Rose DP.  (Marty the Zebra)

“My favorite part is the feeling I have on stage.  I am very nervous at first, but then I tell myself to enjoy it – I feel so happy.”

The cast of the Madagscar kept the audience thoroughly enthralled with their singing and acting skills.

But behind the scenes, students with the guidance of faculty also did an excellent job painting the set design.

“Students in the Art ASA program, under the tutelage of Art Teacher, Nalini Krishan, created the fantastic paintings for the set design for both the New York city zoo and skyline. Costumes were made by noted costume designer, Ms. Dominique Devorsine, who also happened to make the same costumes for the High School musical last semester,  ‘Bring it on.’ Kim Endel from the Music and Band department helped students for solo and musical training,” said Max.

ISKL ElementsMax concluded that due to the enormous response they had this year, the future production would have a bigger cast as we expect more grades to join.

“This was the first musical held by the Elementary School in over 15 years, and with the success of Madagascar, this will most definitely be an annual occurrence”.

And with that, we can’t wait to see next year’s production!

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