HoS News November 10, 2023

Mr Rami Madani, Head of SchoolReflection and understanding the perspective of others are integral components of the learning process – not just for our students, but for our school as well. Our annual Community Survey is an important part of our learning journey as a school and an invaluable opportunity for parents, students, and employees to share their feedback and for us to hear the thoughts and voices of our diverse community.

Feedback will be used to help us assess our progress in fulfilling our Strategic Plan, provide valuable data to guide decision-making, and support us in identifying and strengthening areas for improvement. It also ensures that our commitment to continuous improvement is grounded in research and shaped by the perspective of our entire community. Our thanks to those parents who have already completed the survey.

It has been a joy to hear the perspectives and inspiring stories of our students and trip leads who returned from Global Action Program (GAP) this week. It is truly a transformative experience for both the GAP team members and the communities supported by the different service projects. We know the teams are looking forward to sharing their learning with their parents and peers at the GAP parents’ evening next week. It has also been a joy to see dancers from all divisions unite for The Nutcracker, Reimagined and to have the excitement of our MS performance The Weight of Our Sky to look forward to next week. In the meantime, we wish our Model United Nations (MUN) and IASAS Art and Film delegates good luck. They are currently participating in the MUN annual convention at the Taipei American School and the IASAS Cultural Convention at the Jakarta Intercultural School. Good luck also to our mathematicians participating in next week’s (November 15) online IASAS Math Tournament.

It was great to share learning with so many parents at our Head of School & Parents In Partnership session where we explored the partnership and role of parents and school in helping students navigate their future with confidence. After looking at what the future is likely to hold for our students, we focused on the guidance and actions parents can take now to support children of all ages. Key takeaways included helping children understand and know themselves and be grounded by their family’s beliefs and values, modeling how to bridge cultural differences with respect and empathy, and the importance of not being too overprotective and allowing children to experience (age-appropriate) challenges and consequences. We also covered how we support students here at school in developing the skills and competencies they need to be successful in transitioning to the real world beyond school.

As shared during the presentation, our students will experience a future characterized by change and polarity. As we celebrate Deepavali on Sunday it is an opportune time to reflect on the symbolism of the Festival of Lights – the triumph of light over darkness. It is a strong and positive reminder of the role both parents and school play in helping the next generation make the right decisions for themselves, others, and our world.

I wish a very happy Deepavali to those celebrating and hope everyone enjoys the long weekend.

In partnership,

Rami Signature

Rami Madani
Head of School

Communication Updates

Latest update: October 26

  • Early Childhood, Life-Centered Education (LCE), Grade 10, 11 and 12
    On Campus Learning from October 25

  • Grade 1, 2, 3 and 9
    On Campus Learning from November 1

  • Grade 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8
    On Campus Learning from November 8
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