HoS News November 17, 2022

Head of school opening remark during iFest

On behalf of our entire community, I want to say a very special thank you to our AMAZING PTA for the wonderful celebration of our community we experienced at iFest last Saturday. It was truly a day to be cherished – as one of our parents wrote so beautifully,

“As the school community slowly releases itself from the clutches of the pandemic, today marked a real moment in the re-emergence of a truly connected and thriving ISKL family. There was a profound and strong heartbeat on campus, beating this rhythm of connection”. ~ Harriet Garbers

Starting with the flag parade representing the diversity of our community through to the silent auction of the community baskets representing much-loved items from countries around the world, this connection was felt by everyone on campus and reflected in the many happy comments I heard. There truly was something for everyone – food, dance, performances, vendors, games, and raffles. Organizing an event of such magnitude takes an enormous amount of time, energy, and effort and we are so fortunate to have so many parents whose panther spirit makes our school and community so special – thank you!

MS Musical Annie Jr

We are also so fortunate to have so many students who give so much of themselves too. Their passion and willingness to take on new challenges were reflected this week by the 100-plus Middle School students in the cast and crew of the MS musical, Annie Jr. I had the opportunity to see their performance today and it made me so proud to see our students stepping out of their comfort zone with such confidence and perform to such a supportive and enthusiastic audience. Making the event extra special were the stories of hope submitted by members of our community interwoven into the performance so that the production not only celebrated the story of Annie but also that of our own community members who have overcome hardship and challenges. Thank you to all those involved for such a joyous experience.

HoS In Partnership Session

My thanks to those who joined us for our Head of School & Parents in Partnership session earlier this week on the research and importance of one of our Strategic Objectives, Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). Together with our Director of Student Services and Principals we looked at how our schoolwide instructional SEL program is designed to help students self-manage, make better decisions, and navigate problems and how the development of these skills also reduces negative behavior and emotional stress.

2023-2024 School Calendar

We have now finalized our school calendar for 2023-2024. As you will appreciate, it is a major logistical challenge to balance instructional days, activities for our students, faculty, and staff learning days, and public holidays. With more than 70 nationalities represented here at ISKL, there are many different perspectives on holidays and cultural celebrations. As always, we try our best to meet the needs of our community and we hope that the calendar provides families with sufficient flexibility and enables you to plan ahead. The 2023-2024 School Calendar can be found here.

I wish everyone an enjoyable long weekend.

In partnership




Rami Madani
Head of School

Communication Updates

Latest update: October 26

  • Early Childhood, Life-Centered Education (LCE), Grade 10, 11 and 12
    On Campus Learning from October 25

  • Grade 1, 2, 3 and 9
    On Campus Learning from November 1

  • Grade 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8
    On Campus Learning from November 8
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