ISKL Head of School to attend prestigious leadership course at Stanford University

Dr Norma Hudson, ISKL's Head of School has been accepted to participate in the "Leading Change and Organizational Renewal Program" (LCOR) at Stanford University, Stanford, California in November. The program, offered by The Stanford Graduate School of Business the week long intensive program leverages cutting edge research, proven methodologies, and design thinking to help students innovate around strategic business challenges.
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EXPERTS-IN-INTERNATIONAL-EDUCATIONDr Norma Hudson, ISKL’s Head of School has been accepted to participate in the “Leading Change and Organizational Renewal Program” (LCOR) at Stanford University, Stanford, California in November. The program, offered by The Stanford Graduate School of Business the week long intensive program leverages cutting edge research, proven methodologies, and design thinking to help students innovate around strategic business challenges.

This highly selective program attracts executive leadership from around the globe representing business, the public sector and educational institutions.

“Obviously, I am grateful to ISKL for the time to pursue this opportunity. As a community of learners, it is important that we all take time to learn, reflect and in turn, becoming better at our chosen role.”

Stanford School Of Business Sep '15

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