Salvation Through Science

Lydia Lubon, ISKL graduate Class of ’96, screened her film, Operation Sumatran Rhino, made for National Geographic last Tuesday evening at ISKL. We were introduced to the three remaining Sumatran Rhinos in Malaysia and their compelling story. Tam, Puntung, and Iman are the last of their species in Malaysia and are in dire need of our help as the species faces certain extinction without serious intervention.

Lydia will be back on Thursday, December 15, 2016 to share her powerful film with our middle schoolers. Parents are welcome to attend the 8:00 am screening. Based on the response from those attending, this is a worthy cause that would be of interest to our community. In particular, parents of our middle schoolers can use this opportunity to continue the conversation at home after the viewing.

Having gone on to a successful 12 year long career in documentary film-making, she has produced work for the History Channel, The Asian Food Channel, Al Jazeera and National Geographic. Her film “Operation Sumatran Rhino” was the first ever Malaysian produced wildlife documentary to air in the United States, and was the first to be telecast globally to over 100 countries.

Well done Lydia!

To find out more about the Borneo Rhino Alliance please go to the website: Borneo Rhino Alliance

Lydia Lubon Borneo Rhino

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