Tag: music


Preparing for IASAS Music Convention 2020

High-caliber auditions recently took place for the 27 spots on the music team for IASAS Cultural Convention which will take place on March 6-8, 2020. The competition was tough and the 8-member teams for strings, vocals, and band have been chosen along with three pianists.

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ISKL Bring it on

“Bringing it On” – the Insider’s View

“When you look back, these High School years will be nothing more than a blip. So, you might as well enjoy the trip” (Lin Manuel Miranda). I feel like these words perfectly encapsulate the remarkable, breathtaking nature of being a part of this year’s musical.

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Unveiling ISKL’s New Grand Piano

The grand piano is a much-cherished new addition to the ISKL Music Department and was purchased with the assistance of a grant from ISKL’s community-supported Inspiration Fund.

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Panthers of ISKL

Vincent Cee

Meet ISKL Middle & High School Strings Teacher, Vincent Cee PhD, University of Massachusetts Amherst Performed at the Montreaux Jazz Festival Avid juggler Believes in

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