Once a Panther, always a Panther!

Meet Michael Cummings, Class of 2009. Michael was editor of the Yearbook and Captain of the Rugby Team here at ISKL where he spent his Middle and High School formative years. Following graduation, Michael attended University in British Columbia for two years when he decided to follow in his father’s and brother’s steps and join the armed forces.

He spent a year training, getting into physical shape, and was subsequently accepted into the Marines. Michael is now a Corporal and aircraft mechanic working on C-130’s. Michael has been deployed four times in five years, and on every deployment, he takes with him the IASAS Panther sports bag. Michael will return to University to continue his education on the GI Bill after September 2017.

We are proud of you, Michael. Congratulations on your achievements, and best wishes moving forward.

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