Tag: Global Opportunities

Alumni Student

Meet ISKL Alumnus Haffendi Anuar, Class of 2004

Haffendi Anuar’s reputation as a distinguished Malaysian artist is on the rise. We are proud that Haffendi, one of two international artists, has been commissioned to create outdoor sculptures for the Battersea Power Station development in London.

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Michael Cummings
Alumni Student

Once a Panther, always a Panther!

Meet Michael Cummings, Class of 2009. Michael was editor of the Yearbook and Captain of the Rugby Team here at ISKL where he spent his Middle and High School formative years. Following graduation, Michael attended University in British Columbia for two years when he decided to follow in his father’s and brother’s steps and join the armed forces.

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ISKL Announces Partnership with Dutch School, De Bontekoe

ISKL Announces Partnership with Dutch School, De Bontekoe

Beginning in September 2017 ISKL will be offering Dutch language and cultural classes on its campuses. This new program at ISKL will begin with two after school class offerings, one for the first year of secondary (VO1) and one as a combination of the second and third year of secondary (VO 2-3). The classes will be taught by Annemieke van Vliet and Hans Hardeman, De Bontekoe Director in Kuala Lumpur.

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Malaysia Week in Iskl

Malaysia Week Magic!

Of all the experiences our students share in Middle School, every year Malaysia Week stands out as a highlight. Amazing things happen when Middle Schoolers break out of their normal routines and comfort zones. They try new and challenging activities and become reliant on one another. This is what Malaysia Week is all about; learning enthusiastically and collaborating constructively.

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ISKL community bonding seminar

What’s in a community?

Mr. Antonio “Tony” Meloto, founder of Gawad Kalinga and its GK Enchanted Farm project, shared real-life transformational experiences at ISKL.

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Guest Author Sarah J. Maas at ISKL

Guest Author: Sarah J. Maas at ISKL

Sarah’s presentations to ISKL’s High School and Middle School students inspired them with details of her perseverance and about how writing served as her personal sanctuary during trying high school years.

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