Tag: Inclusion

aISKL EARCOS Leadership Conference with School Leaders Julie and Azra

Elementary School Leaders Share Their Learning Journey at Recent EARCOS Leadership Conference 2019

At the recent annual East Asia Regional Council of Schools (EARCOS) Leadership Conference ISKLs Elementary School (ES) Principal and Assistant Principal, Julie Olson and Azra Pathan shared their experience in navigating large scale change and leading inclusion. In their two EARCOS workshops, our ES Leaders contextualized their journey, and shared their learning and practical tips with the delegates who attended from international schools across the region. 

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IfIcanISKLseptember2019 (1)

For Growth and Good – Leadership Inspired at ISKL

Born without arms and legs, Koch is no stranger to barriers but he also acknowledges that “everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.” He believes everyone deserves empathy and when encountering our own struggles it’s all a matter of perspective.

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The Power of Community Spirit

The event is all about spirit – team spirit, community spirit, and for the 500 children who attended the preliminaries last month at ISKL, it also involved a large dose of ISKL Panther spirit.

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ISKL Seniors Wear Graduation Sash with Pride!

The idea of a batik sash was first initiated by the ISKL Parent Teacher Association (PTA) in 2011 and since then our parent team of Grade Level Coordinators (GLCs) have taken responsibility for sourcing the batik print and producing the sashes.

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Faisal Cup 2019

The Faisal Cup was initiated to ensure that children from underprivileged backgrounds have an equal opportunity to play in a safe environment.

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