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Chris Koch, doesn’t let barriers get in his way; instead, he embraces every challenge as an opportunity. The farmer, adventurer and inspirational speaker will be coming to Kuala Lumpur to complete his 8th full marathon (42.2 km) at the end of September. Chris is also bringing his “If I Can” message to ISKL as part of the YoungLeaders.World team.

This visit to ISKL has been funded through an Inspiration Fund grant. The Inspiration Fund was established by the ISKL community to encourage students to achieve excellence, through inspirational programs, visits and enhancements on campus.

Young Leaders World (YLW), a nonprofit, Canadian based organization, supports emerging generations in discovering life leadership aimed at personal growth and the collective good. Along with Chris, ISKL will welcome Carla Cuglietta and Tyler Waye. Carla has won numerous awards for her humanitarian and youth leadership work around the world, while Tyler speaks to help young people find clarity and confidence in upcoming decisions about school and work.

The team will be delivering their inspirational message to ISKL students through keynote addresses to the upper elementary and middle school, and interactive workshops with the middle school and high school student leadership teams. By collaborating with our students the YLW team will help them overcome obstacles and develop life leadership mindset through the connection between personal growth and collective good.

Alumni and the larger ISKL community have the opportunity to hear all three speakers on Wednesday, 25 September 2019 from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm in the Robert B. Gaw Theater.

For more information about Young Leaders World check out their website. Further details on Chris Koch can be found in recent headlines about his personal best marathon time and on his “If I Can” Facebook page.

~ Trina Cobbledick, ISKL Learning Resource

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