Tag: #ISKLLearningInAction

ISKL Bring it on

“Bringing it On” – the Insider’s View

“When you look back, these High School years will be nothing more than a blip. So, you might as well enjoy the trip” (Lin Manuel Miranda). I feel like these words perfectly encapsulate the remarkable, breathtaking nature of being a part of this year’s musical.

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ISKL Blog Dual Language T

Knowledge Sharing Shapes Future Generations

Over the past two years, we have worked together with over 50 teachers from more than 40 local schools. The experience has enriched everyone involved and ultimately helped strengthen student learning and engagement.

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ISKL BLOG TTT Teachers Teaching Teachers

Teachers Teaching Teachers

“Teachers Teaching Teachers” is a homegrown idea started in early 2017 by Ms. Suji DeHart, ISKL’s Elementary School Librarian. Ms. DeHart developed the initiative in order to support and upskill teachers at refugee schools who are responsible for teaching students aged between 4 and 21 years.

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Impressive Standardized Test Results Highlight Exceptional Progress At The International School Of Kuala Lumpur

We have just completed our second round of Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) testing for Middle School this year. MAP is an internationally recognized standardized test for assessing the growth and achievement of each student. The tests cover mathematics, reading, and language usage and are not based on the curriculum. We do not “teach to the test.” Instead, the tests, which dynamically adjust to each student’s performance, measure what students know.

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