Tag: Learning Celebration


Grade 1 Hallway Comes to LIFE!

We (teachers and students) felt it was important to incorporate local wildlife into our design to build on that sense of belonging and an appreciation for the diverse native animals found in Malaysia

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Grade 4 Goes Nocturnal!

‘Community & Team Building’ was the theme for the camp-in experience, where students asked themselves questions to do with, The Me in We – what are my skills and what can I bring to my team? How can we work together?

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Unveiling ISKL’s New Grand Piano

The grand piano is a much-cherished new addition to the ISKL Music Department and was purchased with the assistance of a grant from ISKL’s community-supported Inspiration Fund.

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Grade 1 A-Z Countdown

This year, ISKL’s grade 1 teachers have introduced a fun way to prepare students for this time of transition with a Grade 1 A-Z End of Year Activities Countdown.

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ISKL Early Learning Learning Celebration

Inquiry-Based Learning Starts Early at ISKL

The Early Childhood program at ISKL has been intentionally designed to ignite a love of learning in their youngest students who are starting their educational journey in Prep Reception (ages 3 to 4) and Prep Junior (ages 4 to 5).

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Grade 1 Students Showcase Personal Narrative Writing in New Gallery

At ISKL’s Melawati Campus, for the very first time, our entire Melawati staff was recently invited to join in all the buzz and learning that is happening in Grade 1. Students felt happy to be recognized and proud of the strong sense of community surrounding their gallery. Students and teachers alike are grateful for all these people, our cleaners, our maintenance team, and other behind the scenes community members that came to offer their support and good cheer to our inspiring young authors.

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