Tag: Professional development

aISKL EARCOS Leadership Conference with School Leaders Julie and Azra

Elementary School Leaders Share Their Learning Journey at Recent EARCOS Leadership Conference 2019

At the recent annual East Asia Regional Council of Schools (EARCOS) Leadership Conference ISKLs Elementary School (ES) Principal and Assistant Principal, Julie Olson and Azra Pathan shared their experience in navigating large scale change and leading inclusion. In their two EARCOS workshops, our ES Leaders contextualized their journey, and shared their learning and practical tips with the delegates who attended from international schools across the region. 

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ISKL Blog Dual Language T

Knowledge Sharing Shapes Future Generations

Over the past two years, we have worked together with over 50 teachers from more than 40 local schools. The experience has enriched everyone involved and ultimately helped strengthen student learning and engagement.

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Service (Learning) at ISKL, More than just “feeling good”.

Cathryn Berger Kaye, M.A., president of CBK Associates was at ISKL to work with teaching faculty across the divisions as well as student leaders on the development of best practices in the incorporation of service-learning in the curriculum as well as leadership training. As the first Professional Development opportunity in 2015-2016, her visit was deemed a success by both educators and student leaders alike.

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