Tag: Sustainability

ISKL Blog Tree Planting

Significance Of Small Actions

Guangwi C., Class of 2020 According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), an estimated 18 million acres (7.3 million hectares) of forest

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ISKL community bonding seminar

What’s in a community?

Mr. Antonio “Tony” Meloto, founder of Gawad Kalinga and its GK Enchanted Farm project, shared real-life transformational experiences at ISKL.

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HS eco schools green flag winners

What’s in Another (Green) Flag?

The Green Council is merely a representation of our entire school’s body. Their task, among other things, is to document the successes of ISKL clubs, students, and classes in sustainable and service-learning related projects…

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SriKDU Collaboration on Sustainable Education

Recently, our Green Council played host to the Green Club from SriKDU. It was a very productive few hours with a variety of activities facilitated by our Green Council members and Sustainability Coordinator. Our visitors received an “eco highlight tour” of our Ampang campus and were duly impressed.

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Ecology Symposium

Grade 7 Science team lead by Ms. Laurie Larsen and Mr. Dan Varney, hosted ISKL’s first ever Ecology Symposium. It was an excellent opportunity for our students to interact first hand with members of our global community on the issues related to sustainability.

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