Seeking TCKs for a Qualitative Research Study

Madeleine from her Senior Yearbook

We’re delighted to assist Third Culture Kid Madeleine Lefeuvre with her search for other TCKs for her Master’s thesis. Please take a moment to read her note below: SEEKING PARTICIPANTS FOR A RESEARCH STUDY

Hey all!

My name is Madeleine Lefeuvre and I graduated from ISKL with the Class of 2014. I am currently completing a Masters in Counselling Psychology in Leiden, Webster University. For my Masters Thesis I’m researching Third Culture Kids (individuals who have lived outside their parents’ home culture for a significant part of their developmental years) and their experiences, and how a mobile up-bringing affects identity and interpersonal relationships in adulthood.

To participate in this research, you must:

  • Have lived in at least one other culture outside of your parents’ home culture for at least 3 years between ages of 8 and 18
  • Be 25 years old or older

– Have relocated at least 3 times before the age of 18

Your participation involves a 30 mins – 1 hour Skype interview about your experiences as a Third Culture Kid.

If you’re interested in participating or know of anyone who meets the criteria and is interested, please send me a private message or email at [email protected], it would be much appreciated. Feel free to share this post too!

Thank you!!!

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