Tag: Experts in International Education

Teachers at Pastoral Care with Cathryn Berger Kaye

Pastoral Care with Cathryn Berger Kaye

Cathryn returned to ISKL for this third weekend workshop. At this institute, Cathryn lead an exploration of concepts to further advance how your classrooms and schools authentically incorporate best practice of service learning, which is essentially best teaching and learning, period!

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KL Google Summit Blog Thumbnail Template

KL Google Summit

Join us for the EdTechTeam Kuala Lumpur Summit on deploying, integrating and using Google Apps for Education on November 7 & 8, 2015

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ISKL Hosts the 2nd Annual iPad Conference for Educators

The conference gave participants skills to: integrate iPads into Early Years and Upper Elementary learning programs; become fluent in and teach several iPad applications; engage young students in meaningful learning using the iPad; understanding how to assemble a “starter kit” of iPad applications that will satisfy tech integration standards at their schools and manage iPad imaging and handling.

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ISKL Head of School to attend prestigious leadership course at Stanford University

Dr Norma Hudson, ISKL’s Head of School has been accepted to participate in the “Leading Change and Organizational Renewal Program” (LCOR) at Stanford University, Stanford, California in November. The program, offered by The Stanford Graduate School of Business the week long intensive program leverages cutting edge research, proven methodologies, and design thinking to help students innovate around strategic business challenges.

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