Tag: International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP)

Alumni Student

Elena Azizan (’05)

Overall, I must say that the ISKL IB education helped to prepare me to study at an international university as exposure to students of different backgrounds

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Top Scores Highlight ISKL’s IB and AP Results

The sheer volume of IB students scoring so high is a testament to ISKL’s program which enjoys the distinction of the longest running IB Diploma program in Malaysia. Since 1991, ISKL has supported more than 1,000 students to achieve the IB Diploma. ISKL is also the first international school, and the only one in Kuala Lumpur, offering Advanced Placement (AP) university preparatory courses. For ISKL students who chose to pursue the full IB Diploma, and for those who wish to take IB and or AP courses as part of their study, the rigor and focus can advance their prospects of acceptance to world class universities.

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Be All You Are ISKL motto
Current Student

Be All You Are and Chase Your Dreams!

ISKL is proud of its graduating class of 2017. Our seniors demonstrated commitment, resilience and passion. They truly embodied ISKL’s motto “Be All You Are” as shown by the wide range of topics they will be reading at university, from economics to medicine, law to media communication, we have no doubt that they will make a positive contribution to the world. Special mention to our two IB scholars, Chua Zi and Lim Jih-Ming, we are so proud of you.

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educator giving a talk to iskl teachers and parents


On Wednesday, June 1, 2016, Emily Jane Yin Gumal from Sarawak and Arvin Raj Krishna Kumar from Kuala Lumpur were warmly welcomed into the ISKL community from two local government schools to join in Grade 11 and pursue the IB Diploma program beginning 2016-2017 school year.

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Teachers at Pastoral Care with Cathryn Berger Kaye

Pastoral Care with Cathryn Berger Kaye

Cathryn returned to ISKL for this third weekend workshop. At this institute, Cathryn lead an exploration of concepts to further advance how your classrooms and schools authentically incorporate best practice of service learning, which is essentially best teaching and learning, period!

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