Tag: School-Wide Learning Results (SLRs)

ISKL - Inclusive Schools Week

Inclusion at ISKL Supports All Learners

At ISKL, high-quality instruction for ALL learners means that our teachers know the needs of each student in their classroom and design lessons that remove barriers and make the learning accessible for all.

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Christmas Around the World - ISKL
Head of School Weekly Posts

HoS News December 10, 2021

This week, three very different events have highlighted the strength of the partnerships we have the privilege of sharing with our community, authorities, and neighboring schools.

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Roxy to the rescue

Roxy to the Rescue

During a recent online whole Grade 2 assembly, the students were listening to a read-aloud by Alex Lancia when they were ‘interrupted” by ES counselor Christine Wright who had lost the ISKL panther!

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ISKL Students Give Back!

ISKL Students Give Back!

With an educational philosophy that ensures ISKL students understand the importance of service, they develop the necessary skills to take action through efforts that impact communities around us.

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