Panthers of ISKL #67 – Sarah C. and Chloe C.

Sarah C. ('26) & Chloe C. ('24) - Panthers of ISKL

Sarah C. and Chloe C. – The Cycling Sisters

This week we met up with Chloe C. (’24) and Sarah C (’26), sisters and students who are avid cyclists and bike to school every day!

Born in Belgium, the sisters have lived in Uganda for five years before joining ISKL last year in 2020! 

In their free time, Sarah likes to tinker and craft things, and enjoys spending time with animals while Chloe loves playing the piano, singing, running and doing cross country, as well as playing tennis.

Here is their story.

Why do you cycle to school?

Chloe: Our house is very close to ISKL – it’s about a three-minute bike ride. We decided to bike instead of walk because it takes less time and is so much more enjoyable!

Sarah: We have made many trips back and forth, so we don’t keep track of how many kilometers we’ve done in total, but it is a lot! I use a Rockrider mountain bike to go to school, and so does my sister.

What are the benefits of cycling to school, and are there any health benefits?

Chloe: I think it boosts my energy and motivation for the day, and I am happier going to school. 

Sarah: It’s a little bit of sport for us, and you get more air than walking, which is very lovely, especially in Malaysia. It’s also faster and eco-friendly!

What equipment should other cyclists have if they want to cycle? Do you have any advice for someone who would like to cycle more?

Chloe: Wearing helmets are essential because cars are sometimes not very careful when they drive by.

Sarah: I would say the same thing as Chloé, also putting on a bicycle lock is important; however, we don’t use any when we go to school since it is very safe there.

Family pics of ISKL cyclists

Should more people in our ISKL community cycle to school or work? 

Sarah: Yes, I do! I know most students and teachers have a lot to carry with them, but you can put bicycle pouches on the side of your bike and save space. Also, biking is way more eco-friendly than cars, and if your house is nearby, I would strongly recommend you to cycle to school.

Chloe: I agree with Sarah, however sometimes cars or motorcycles are not very safe, so you need to be careful.

Do you wish to cycle to other places in the future? Do you cycle anywhere else besides ISKL?

Sarah: Of course, yes, I would love to cycle in other countries or places in the future. We cycle in Belgium and also go to Suria KLCC on our bikes with our dad most of the time.

Chloe: I think it is good to be able to adapt to cycling in different environments.

What is your most memorable moment at ISKL so far?

Chloe: My most memorable moment was participating in the IASAS Cross Country even though it was virtual. The team was terrific, and there were so many fun people there. I enjoyed being part of a team to run instead of doing it alone.

Sarah: My most memorable moment was when my friends and I sat by the pond with the turtles at lunch. It’s something we always do – I just love the people at ISKL so much!

Do you have any plans for after you graduate ISKL – what would you like to do after?

Chloe: I don’t have any plans, except I would like to do something focused on mathematics and science because I enjoy both subjects. I also think I would go to a university in Europe. 

Sarah: I don’t have many plans for the future, but I would like to do something related to animals.

What does “Be All You Are” mean to you?

Chloe: To me, “Be All You Are” is doing what you love and simply being yourself by trying your best and not caring about what others think.

Sarah: “Be All You Are” means to be yourself no matter what others think about you. It also means that you should do whatever you like and don’t care if others judge you.

Do you know a student, faculty, staff, or alumni with a story to tell? Nominate them to be featured in our Panthers of ISKL stories by sending in your submissions here.

To find out more inspiring stories of our students, read about Hong Ju the forward thinker or Lydia, our painter and math whiz here!

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