Head of School Weekly Posts

We All Belong At ISKL

Our faculty has collectively had the joy of getting to know many thousands of students across the world and every single one of those students

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ISKL - International Festival
Head of School Weekly Posts

The Spirit of Giving

When we come together as one, as we did at last week’s inspirational International Festival, it is easy to forget that our community is made

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Head of School Weekly Posts

Embracing Global Citizenship

This week at the Elementary School’s Flag Parade one of our Prep Senior students who was born in Malaysia, proudly wore a bindi, a batik

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Head of School Weekly Posts

Learn. Unlearn. Relearn.

“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” Futurist and

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Head of School Weekly Posts

Power Of Positive Role Models

It was with great joy that I read Grade 5 students, Clea-Rose and Eshani’s thoughtful article on what it means to be a Red Hat. They

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