We All Belong At ISKL

Our faculty has collectively had the joy of getting to know many thousands of students across the world and every single one of those students is different and unique. Every student is their own individual self with different interests, passions, abilities, and aspirations. Each one has their own learning style, and ways of thinking. Each one is a person who, regardless of nationality, language, gender, faith, learning differences and all the other wonderful characteristics that make each of us individuals, has the right to be included, respected, and have equal access and opportunities to succeed and find their passion. This is the meaning of inclusion, and inclusion is at the very heart and soul of our identity here at ISKL. It is part of our DNA, our culture, and our community.

inclusive school weekWe are now proudly into our second year as a fully inclusive school, from Prep Reception through Grade 12. We have developed our Inclusion Program based on global best practice, we have learned from inclusion specialists, and have partnered with leading schools in this field.

Being a fully inclusive school means we serve the academic, social, emotional and development needs of our entire student population. Our program makes us a stronger school and creates a community where we all belong. One component in particular, Life-Centered Education (LCE) has enriched our community beyond measure. Students in our LCE program contribute to making us a better school; one where all our students are supported in learning to live an engaging, supportive, and respectful life.

In line with striving to strengthen all aspects of our school, our journey with inclusion is continuing. We have engaged two leading consultants who will come to ISKL in January 2020 to audit our Inclusion Program to ensure we are delivering the best learning opportunities for all our students. The result of the audit will help us identify areas for growth and also the areas we are good at. The consultants will be seeking input from a range of constituents and observing our program delivery to ensure we continue to build on our program.

Next week we will be celebrating each of the 1,758 remarkable individuals we have here at ISKL as part of a global Inclusive Schools Week. Our theme for the week, “We All Belong” could not be a more accurate description of our culture and mindset at ISKL – a place where all students belong. A school-wide program of diverse activities will be taking place to explore and celebrate our differences, contribute to our learning and growth, and help us positively shape the world around us as we strive to achieve our mission for each student.

With gratitude,

Rami Madani
Head of School

Communication Updates

Latest update: October 26

  • Early Childhood, Life-Centered Education (LCE), Grade 10, 11 and 12
    On Campus Learning from October 25

  • Grade 1, 2, 3 and 9
    On Campus Learning from November 1

  • Grade 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8
    On Campus Learning from November 8
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