ISKL Rami Madani PN
Head of School Weekly Posts

HoS Message – October 2, 2020

HoS Message – October 2, 2020 Health and safety is our highest priority and given the increase in COVID-19 cases, I wanted to reassure parents

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ISKL Small Portrait of Rami Sml-10
Head of School Weekly Posts

Parents and ISKL In Partnership

Parents and ISKL In Partnership There are a great many people that make ISKL such a special place – our wonderful students, supportive parents, and

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Head of School Weekly Posts

The Benefits of Perspective

The Benefits of Perspective Walk a mile in someone else’s shoes. Look through someone else’s eyes. However we express the concept, viewing and experiencing the

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ISKL Malaysia Day
Head of School Weekly Posts

Campfires and Curiosity

Campfires and Curiosity Curiosity sparked. It’s part of our Vision and a key driver in learning, but how do we spark curiosity in our students

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Head of School Weekly Posts

Theme for the week? Adaptability …

Theme for the week? Adaptability … I’m going to start by celebrating the positive! Each afternoon this week we have been treated to hearing the laughter

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Head of School Weekly Posts


Welcome to the 2020-2021 school year A very warm and physically distanced ISKL welcome to our new and returning families! It gives us all –

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