Tag: HS Service

ISKL GAP Trip Cambodia

GAP 2019 – Student Perspective from Cambodia 9

“Fun party,” says Charli, a student who went on the Cambodia 9 Global Action Program (GAP) trip, when asked to sum up the trip in a couple of words. I think it is safe to say that many other students on the trip agree with the “party” in that phrase. “Tiring party,” Jiya adds. “Exciting party,” George says. I personally was not too eager to go on this trip at the beginning.

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Head of School Weekly Posts

Learn. Unlearn. Relearn.

“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” Futurist and

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K4K HKL Volunteer Program

The annual Kids 4 Kids Party was recently held at the Kuala Lumpur Hospital. ISKL K4K, also known as Kids 4 Kids, is a nonprofit organization where ISKL students volunteer to spend time with cancer children at the Pediatric Cancer Ward in KL Hospital.

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Iskl teachers working behind the scenes

Behind the Scenes

It started with the projects to improve the common space for our cleaning ladies and has now morphed into teaching bus monitors ways to enhance their communication with ISKL students through greater proficiency in the English language.

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