Tag: Service Learning

ISKL community bonding seminar

What’s in a community?

Mr. Antonio “Tony” Meloto, founder of Gawad Kalinga and its GK Enchanted Farm project, shared real-life transformational experiences at ISKL.

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Teachers at Pastoral Care with Cathryn Berger Kaye

Pastoral Care with Cathryn Berger Kaye

Cathryn returned to ISKL for this third weekend workshop. At this institute, Cathryn lead an exploration of concepts to further advance how your classrooms and schools authentically incorporate best practice of service learning, which is essentially best teaching and learning, period!

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Service (Learning) at ISKL, More than just “feeling good”.

Cathryn Berger Kaye, M.A., president of CBK Associates was at ISKL to work with teaching faculty across the divisions as well as student leaders on the development of best practices in the incorporation of service-learning in the curriculum as well as leadership training. As the first Professional Development opportunity in 2015-2016, her visit was deemed a success by both educators and student leaders alike.

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2nd Eco-Schools Mini Conference

This year’s conference participants identified “waste” as their central challenge. Student “greenstormed” ideas to move forward, to increase awareness and try to reach those outside the proverbial “choir” that participated in the conference.

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SriKDU Collaboration on Sustainable Education

Recently, our Green Council played host to the Green Club from SriKDU. It was a very productive few hours with a variety of activities facilitated by our Green Council members and Sustainability Coordinator. Our visitors received an “eco highlight tour” of our Ampang campus and were duly impressed.

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