Middle School Backpack Donation
During the last day of school the Middle School teachers put on a raucous performance at the final assembly before the mid year break. Although it was a fun way to showcase our “talent” it’s real purpose was to launch our “backpack” school supply drive in our Middle School home groups. This year instead of giving many smaller gifts to the various refugee centers, we decided to give one fully supplied backpack to 60+ students in our local community at the Anbu Ilham boys and girls homes. Each home group was given a backpack that was generously donated by Crown Relocations and they filled it with all the supplies a student would need going back to school as well as some basic toiletries, clothes and a gift. This past Wednesday we thanked Crown Relocations for their generous donation and gifted our backpacks to a representative of the Anbu Ilham homes. Next week we will be delivering the rest of the backpacks. Our students and community have once again shown their generosity and caring nature in our attempt to help those less fortunate.