Tag: Sustainability & Community Partnership


K4K HKL Volunteer Program

The annual Kids 4 Kids Party was recently held at the Kuala Lumpur Hospital. ISKL K4K, also known as Kids 4 Kids, is a nonprofit organization where ISKL students volunteer to spend time with cancer children at the Pediatric Cancer Ward in KL Hospital.

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Iskl teachers working behind the scenes

Behind the Scenes

It started with the projects to improve the common space for our cleaning ladies and has now morphed into teaching bus monitors ways to enhance their communication with ISKL students through greater proficiency in the English language.

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ISKL community bonding seminar

What’s in a community?

Mr. Antonio “Tony” Meloto, founder of Gawad Kalinga and its GK Enchanted Farm project, shared real-life transformational experiences at ISKL.

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ISKL Jazz Singers at Tasputra

ISKL Jazz Singers at TASPUTRA

During their 30-minute performance, the staff members noticed a difference in some of the children in their level of engagement and interest. They saw things in their children that they hadn’t seen before…

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2nd Eco-Schools Mini Conference

This year’s conference participants identified “waste” as their central challenge. Student “greenstormed” ideas to move forward, to increase awareness and try to reach those outside the proverbial “choir” that participated in the conference.

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