100th Day of School – Prep Reception and Prep Juniors Have Fun With Numbers

Prep Junior students also listened to and discussed the story, ‘100th Day Worries’ by Margery Cuyler, as well as completing 100 Day charts using paint dot stampers, creating 100 Day crowns and counting 100 coins on the iPad app ‘Starfall’.
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Recently all of our youngest learners, Prep Reception and Prep Junior, from Elementary School had a brilliant time understanding the various ways that the number 100 can be used for different math concepts and learning a few engaging ways for them to have fun with the number 100.

The students, wearing a numbered or math-inspired t-shirt gathered in the outdoor play area and hunted for 100 Hershey’s chocolate kisses that were hidden around the playground.

Prep reception and prep juniors on 100th day of school

Once found, the students had to run back to a special “100 paper chart” and place the chocolates on a square on the chart until it was completely filled.

Prep Reception and Prep Junior students also took part in the “100 Fit Day Obstacle Course” with 10 stations set up around the playground.

Students engaged in physical activities such as completing 10 star jumps or jumping through hoops 10 times.

By the time they had reached the 10th station, the children had completed 100 movements.

In the classrooms, Prep Reception students engaged in quieter activities such as filling a 100 paper chart with 100 small objects, showing off their creative skills by decorating specially-made “100” number masks with feathers, color markers, and stickers.

Prep Junior students also listened to and discussed the story, ‘100th Day Worries’ by Margery Cuyler, as well as completing 100 Day charts using paint dot stampers, creating 100 Day crowns and counting 100 coins on the iPad app ‘Starfall’.

Learning math can be fun and the 100 days Celebration is certainly a perfect way for our Early Childhood students to gain knowledge about numbers!

Disclaimer: All other ES classrooms held their own celebrations, participating in different activities in their respective classes. We know the students all had a fantastic time!

100th day of school

Prep reception and prep juniors on 100th day of school

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