Welcome to the 2020-2021 school year


A very warm and physically distanced ISKL welcome to our new and returning families!

It gives us all – Administration, Faculty and Staff – great joy to see our campus filled with students engaged in learning once again. For those who are currently learning online, we look forward to welcoming you on campus before too long.

As we start the year, our community’s health and safety remain, as always, our highest priority. We will continue to share fact-based advice from trusted sources, and encourage you to read this week’s Stay Safe with Panther which details what constitutes an effective mask. The staggered start implemented this week has been invaluable in getting us all used to the new protocols that will help keep us safe. After four days of practice and enhancement, we are ready and prepared for 100% On-Campus Learning from Monday, August 10 onwards!

Not only has our campus come to life with our students back in class, but it has also been brought to life by the sustainability and artwork initiatives that have taken place over the summer. These projects have been made possible by the Development Fund (a fund of donations by corporates and individuals which can only be used for campus improvements) and we are extremely grateful to these corporate and individual donors. Their support and generosity has enabled us to create a greener, more sustainable, and welcoming campus for everyone. We now have an edible garden on the terrace of the amphitheatre, two beautiful green jungle walls to mark our ES and HS/MS entrances, and jungle trees providing welcome shade in the Coaches garden.

Our talented alumni have painted two amazingly colorful Welcome Walls along the ES and MS/HS spines, and a campus art map near the Early Childhood cafeteria. The murals not only brighten our day and guide us on our way, but also tell a story about ISKL which we will be sharing with you in Panther News over the coming weeks.

We also have an extremely important story to share with our community this academic year – ISKL turns 55 years young! We have some exciting plans lined up to celebrate this remarkable milestone and we look forward to everyone’s involvement. Our anniversary celebrations will culminate on May 5, 2021 – the fifth day of the fifth month – a fitting date to reflect on all that ISKL has achieved over the past 55 years and celebrate all that we have to look forward to the future.

I wish everyone a great year of learning, growth, and development in the year ahead. It is good to be back!

Yours in partnership,

Rami Madani
Head of School

Communication Updates

Latest update: October 26

  • Early Childhood, Life-Centered Education (LCE), Grade 10, 11 and 12
    On Campus Learning from October 25

  • Grade 1, 2, 3 and 9
    On Campus Learning from November 1

  • Grade 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8
    On Campus Learning from November 8
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