
DANYABAD from Chisapani, Nepal

A simple idea of to keep a group of Nepali children warm during the harsh winter lead to ISKL Global Action Program (GAP) trip that help students and teachers in Chisapani, Nepal.

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K4K HKL Volunteer Program

The annual Kids 4 Kids Party was recently held at the Kuala Lumpur Hospital. ISKL K4K, also known as Kids 4 Kids, is a nonprofit organization where ISKL students volunteer to spend time with cancer children at the Pediatric Cancer Ward in KL Hospital.

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ISKL Choral Exchange Music Festival

ISKL Choral Exchange Music Festival Under the direction of international composer, conductor, scholar and music educator, Dr. Andrea Ramsey, the Robert B. Gaw Theatre at Ampang Campus was serenaded with a fantastic celebration of music and culture on Saturday, January 20, 2018.

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ISKL Visiting Artists in Residence

Dr. Ramsey, a renowned Choral conductor, and clinician is working with Choral groups in the High School and conducting the Middle School Choral Exchange this weekend in collaboration with students from the International School of Guangzhou. One of her sessions with ISKL faculty and students was entitled: ” FUNdamentals: Basics of Creative Choral Artistry: This session will focus on fundamental elements of the choral experience: tone, breath, rehearsal climate, vowels, vocalism, expression, self-reflection, and personal philosophy. The weekend concert is going to be a fantastic evening of great music!

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ISKL Hosts 40th Annual Sea Forensics & Debate Tournament

The International School of Kuala Lumpur (ISKL) hosted the 40th annual SEA Forensics and Debate Tournament on their Ampang Campus from February 8 – 10, 2018. The tournament is the longest consecutive event hosted by ISKL and was attended by the honorable YB Dato’ P. Kamalanathan Panchanathan, Deputy Minister of Education (MOE) I. This year the event grew to 14 participating schools and showcased the talent of nearly 200 students from Doha, to Hong Kong, and from public and private schools across Malaysia.

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ISAC Climbing Competition

ISKL hosted the first ever ISAC Climbing Competition on Friday, November 24, 2017. Michael Bollom, event organizer, IB teaching faculty, and Department Head, commented on the activity saying, “Students busted laudable moves during the competition, and there was lots of excitement as climbers tried to rack up the most points possible in 120 minutes.”
Hosting events such as the ISAC Climbing Competition is one more way we challenge students to expand their horizons and develop their talents. 

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4th Annual Slam Poetry Festival (SNaPs)

The ISKL Slam Poetry team participated in the 4th Annual Slam Poetry Festival (SNaPs) at Sunway International School. Along with nine other international schools from around the nation (over 50 presenters in all), we went head-to-head with young, inspiring poets. We were confident our bards had written pieces that would both challenge the intellect and otherwise delight the listeners – apparently, the poets made the right choices.

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ISKL’S Collaboration with Local School/Ministry of Education Malaysia

Since last school year, with the request from PEMANDU, ISKL has been collaborating with the Ministry of Education Malaysia to work with teachers from several public schools in the KL district by implementing the Dual Language Program (DLP). This year, the first session began on November 9, 2017, with a cohort of 24 teachers participating from eight different public schools at both the Ampang and Melawati Campuses.

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