ISKL’S Collaboration with Local School/Ministry of Education Malaysia

Since last school year, with the request from PEMANDU, ISKL has been collaborating with the Ministry of Education Malaysia to work with teachers from several public schools in the KL district by implementing the Dual Language Program (DLP). This year, the first session began on November 9, 2017, with a cohort of 24 teachers participating from eight different public schools at both the Ampang and Melawati Campuses.
ISKL's Dual Language Program (2017)
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Dual Language Program at ISKL

Benchmarking Visit and Study Tour

CULTURE-OF-CARE-AND-EMPATHY EXPERTS-IN-INTERNATIONAL-EDUCATIONOn November 8, 2017 (9:00 am to 3:00 pm) led by Rami Madani and Team, ISKL hosted the Director of the Sentul District Education Department Tuan Haji Juahir bin Mondakir, several officers and more than 30 teachers from the local Secondary Schools from the Sentul District. The purpose of the visit was to learn about 21st-century learning and best practices at ISKL. The session included classroom visits in small groups and a presentation by our High School & Middle School Principals with a Q & A session. Feedback from the Director and teachers is that they have gained a great deal of learning as a result of the visit. Tuan Haji Juahir thanked ISKL for taking the time to share our expertise and knowledge with the public school teachers.

Support for the Dual Language Program

Since last school year, with the request from PEMANDU, ISKL has been collaborating with the Ministry of Education Malaysia to work with teachers from several public schools in the KL district by implementing the Dual Language Program (DLP). This year, the first session began on November 9, 2017, with a cohort of 24 teachers participating from eight different public schools at both the Ampang and Melawati Campuses. Support learning is specifically focused on Science and Math subjects. Each session at ISKL is about two hours and the guest teachers work with our Curriculum team, conducting classroom visits and collaborating with ISKL Math and Science teachers. Again, this initiative is supported by Rami Madani (Director of Learning) in collaboration with his team, and the Math and Science teachers. Future dates for the DLP sessions are 18 January, 20 February, 13 March, 24 April, and 8 May 2018.

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