ISKL Visiting Artists in Residence

Dr. Ramsey, a renowned Choral conductor, and clinician is working with Choral groups in the High School and conducting the Middle School Choral Exchange this weekend in collaboration with students from the International School of Guangzhou. One of her sessions with ISKL faculty and students was entitled: " FUNdamentals: Basics of Creative Choral Artistry: This session will focus on fundamental elements of the choral experience: tone, breath, rehearsal climate, vowels, vocalism, expression, self-reflection, and personal philosophy. The weekend concert is going to be a fantastic evening of great music!
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GLOBAL-OPPORTUNITIESDYNAMIC-COMMUNITYThis month, we welcome Dr. Andrea Ramsey and Scott Hickey, Visiting Artists in Residence! Mr. Hickey, composer, and arranger, has been hard at work with our instrumental students at Ampang, and left ISKL to return to the states, where he will begin work on a special commission to be debuted at the opening of the new Ampang campus!

Dr. Ramsey, a renowned Choral conductor, and clinician is working with Choral groups in the High School and conducting the Middle School Choral Exchange this weekend in collaboration with students from the International School of Guangzhou. One of her sessions with ISKL faculty and students was entitled: ” FUNdamentals: Basics of Creative Choral Artistry: This session will focus on fundamental elements of the choral experience: tone, breath, rehearsal climate, vowels, vocalism, expression, self-reflection, and personal philosophy. The weekend concert is going to be a fantastic evening of great music!

While students at Ampang have been busy singing and playing, our youngest students at Melawati, are busy creating art with Visiting Visual Artist, and ISKL Alumnus, Haffendi Anuar, which will hang at the new ISKL campus.

ISKL bring in experts from different fields and from around the world to provide a unique, experiential learning opportunities as part of our commitment to a holistic education for our students.

Thanks to the generosity of community members who support our Inspiration Fund, we are able to bring Visiting Artists in Residence to ISKL, assuring exceptional learning opportunities for all our students.

To support the Inspiration Fund, click HERE


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