How ISKL’s Culture Changes You As A Person

Our CAS project is about reintroducing the School-Wide Learning Results (SLR)’s to HS students with soft skills to be utilized for any problems they may face, be it in school or outside our ISKL community.
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ISKL ElementsIt was amazing to see our ISKL HS students creating a whole video by engaging various alumni and current students of ISKL and getting them to share their thoughts and experiences on how the ISKL School-Wide Learning Results (SLR)’s have helped to shape their lives.

“ISKL’s SLRs consist of global skills that are adapted for the 21st Century. They are to: Reason Critically, Think Creatively, Communicate Effectively, Collaborate Constructively, Learn Enthusiastically, and Living Ethically and are reflected in our curriculum and instilled in all our students in every facet of their education.

School Wide Learning Results

‘SLRs are fantastic values, and people should be encouraged and incorporate them into HS in a noninvasive way.” explained Julie M. and Sydnie S., Grade 12 students at ISKL.

This was done as part of their CAS project, to explain how SLR’s can apply to school, college, and working life.

“Our CAS project is about reintroducing the School-Wide Learning Results (SLR)’s to HS students with soft skills to be utilized for any problems they may face, be it in school or outside our ISKL community.”

Here are some of the interviewees’ thoughts on which ISKL SLRs affected them the most:

Anna USCAnna – An alumnus attending the University of Southern California in Los Angeles:

“The SLR that had the most significant impact on me was ‘Reasoning Critically’. ISKL taught me so much as I learned how to think and contemplate deeply – and how to convey those thoughts to my fellow classmates.

‘For example, in my economics class at university, you have to develop many different thinking strategies to try and establish your perspective about all the various trade-offs with a given policy or concept. A lot of students come to university, not feeling sure how to reason critically or how to develop these in-depth thoughts. ISKL’s SLR’s have guided me so that I can stand out in these classes – and I am sure that this will help me in my future career.”

Kenxi Touch RugbyKenzi – An Alumna who took a gap year and started university recently.

“‘Learning enthusiastically‘ applied to my sports training because Touch Rugby is something I’ve been passionate about for so many years now.

‘It has helped me when I worked for a children’s multi-sports company coaching sports for kids from ages one and a half to six years old.

‘With the kids being so young, you have to be positive and uplifting. I did not doubt in using the SLR of ‘learning enthusiastically’ in each and every class that I gave. I had to stay very positive and keep an open mind to all the mishaps that might happen – and I had to bring up their spirits while also learning how to improve my coaching”.

Zafran University of AmsterdamZafran – An alumnus, who is currently doing his Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Science at the University of Amsterdam, Netherlands.

“‘Thinking Creatively‘ is an SLR that I try to apply often. One example which many students can relate to is studying for exams. So for our upcoming exams, my friends and I figured out that our current studying methods weren’t working out for us, so we created a competitive ‘mini-game show’ that tested each person in our study group where all of us had to score points. All those factors made it appealing for us to study, and it was a solution to the problem we were having.

‘I also applied thinking creatively to a project that I created over the summer called the ‘Giving Gap’ – a simple charity project where we collect donations to create little care packs for homeless people and give them out to them in person. We saw a problem and thought of a solution that was feasible to implement and had an impactful impact. This SLR encourages one to pursue one’s idea into reality by thinking of the best way possible in accomplishing it.”

Faegan National Service SingaporeFaegan – An alumnus currently doing his National Service in the Singapore civil defense force.

“My job is to teach medical technicians and paramedic trainees basic medical knowledge. I have to work with different people from different educational backgrounds, races, religions, and ethnicities. SLR’s are guidelines that I still use, and while you can use them in school, you should also practice it in your daily life for problem-solving and real-life situations.”

Ryan – A current Grade 12 Student at ISKL

Living Ethically‘ isn’t just about making huge impacts or considerable changes to the environment – it’s also about how you carry yourself. I have chosen to give respect towards the people around me. Not only with friends but also with strangers Ryan Grade 12 ISKLthat I’ve never talked to and people around the school community – such as the canteen staff, school cleaners, and bus monitors.

‘Another example in living ethically is that we as an ISKL community have done well in terms of reducing our plastic consumption. However, waste reduction is more than just not using plastic bags; it is also about bringing waste production to a minimum. That’s why I’ve chosen not to use paper bags when buying food at the canteen or not to use single-use items such as plastic cutlery or ziplock bags when possible.

‘There are many simple yet effective ways that we can live an ethical life, and it comes with making minor tweaks in our daily lives which in turn creates a massive impact in this world”.

And there you have it, how ISKL’s SLRs has made a visible change with not only our current students – but those who have graduated, pursuing their own dreams and incorporating SLRs into their daily lives.

Thanks again to students Julie M. and Sydnie S. for creating this insightful video – and we’d love to hear how you are applying SLR’s into your daily lives!

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