ISKL Elementary Art Exhibition 2014-15

The exhibition offers an insight through a window into what Elementary School students have been working on this past year and it shows their creativity and effort in this field of study.
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ISKL Elementary Art Exhibition 2014-15

If you had a chance to visit the ISKL Elementary School between May 13 to 16, 2015 you would have an opportunity to see the hallway flooded with so many interesting colors and designs in the students artworks. Drawings, paintings, prints, sketches, clay work you name it, it’s there, all beautifully and proudly displayed. These are the works of the Elementary students from Prep Senior to Grade 5. If you take the opportunity to visit the exhibits, you would definitely agree on how talented they must be.

The exhibition offers an insight through a window into what students have been working on this past year and it shows their creativity and effort in this field of study. They feature artworks created using a variety of media, crayons to oil pastels, chalk, printing ink, batik dyes and 3D forms made from paper and clay. You will also be able to notice the beautiful fish kites, used in traditional Japanese custom, hung at some corners of the hallway. The artworks are showcased throughout the hallways from the studio to the cafeteria area. It is a visually meaningful journey for both students and their art teachers.

The Elementary Visual Art Curriculum is standards based and is supported by the use of effective instructional practices and research based resources. In art, students work with a variety of media, techniques and processes. They are introduced to an array of artists as they learn about the themes and purposes of art, art as a form of communication, the connections to history & culture and address self-reflections.

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