ISKL Hosts First Ever Malaysian National VEX IQ Robotics Championships at its Ampang Campus

Teams were prepared and eagerly awaited the challenge; elimination could only mean one thing - it was a team's last chance to put forth their best effort on the fields. After 72 rounds and six elimination rounds, we finally have a winner!
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robotics competition groupFlags and banners were fluttering in the breeze, where the “Jungle” (Sports Complex) was filled with colorful VEX IQ robots and excited Middle School teams competing at the first-ever Malaysian National Vex IQ Robotics Championships!

Two long trimesters of building, creating, testing, and tweaking were now over, and it was time to put the robots to the test.

We all knew that it would be a day of highs and challenges.

Streaming and screens in place, tech team ready, volunteer judges, and referees guarding the arenas;  it took a community such as ISKL to bring together a whole host of people for this one event.

The first alliance teams were live-streamed on the screen, and they excitedly moved to the playing field.

Strategies were discussed and agreed upon, and all too soon, the siren sounded for the one minute game.

Participants nervously started the round, the unique features of robot designs were evident; picking up cubes and placing them on platforms, pushing balls into cubes, and more.

All too soon, 30 seconds had passed, and each team driver needed to change to a new member; the game continued.

The siren blasted, signifying the end of that round, teams examined the field while referees tallied up points.

The “jungle” was abuzz; games continued, practice fields were busy, teams celebrated challenges that they had overcome, and strategized for the next game.

robotics competition groupAway from the two driver fields, teams worked on gaining extra points on the autonomous field where robots navigated the course without drivers – coding skills were put to the test.

All the time, the crowd filled with parents, coaches, and friends cheered achievements and provided consolation.

After preliminary rounds, everyone stood by ready for the elimination finals; scores were tabulated over lunch and standings streamed.

Teams were prepared and eagerly awaited the challenge; elimination could only mean one thing – it was a team’s last chance to put forth their best effort on the fields.

After 72 rounds and six elimination rounds, we finally have a winner!

Arrowhead Robotics 32881A from the Philippines came first; in second place was Arrowheads Robotics 32881B, and the Malaysian team INTEGOMB Caliph SBPI Gombak 81568A came in third.

Many thanks to the volunteers, robotics teams, technology, marketing, and building maintenance teams for your support and willingness to put forth a huge effort to help make our first Malaysian National Vex IQ Championship such a fantastic experience.

We are looking forward to next year!

About Matt Durham

Matt Durham is a Middle School Science, Design Technology, and Robotics teacher at ISKL and holds a Masters in Education from George Mason University.  He has been working tirelessly over the last four years to build up a robotics program across both the High School and Middle School.

About Dr. Bron Narsiman

Bron Narsiman is the Middle School Technology Coordinator at the ISKL and holds an Education Doctorate in Instructional Technology & Distance Education, a Graduate Certificate in STEM Leadership and a Masters of Education in Educational Technology.

She is also an Apple Distinguished Educator, Apple Teacher, and Google Certified. Bron is passionate about the opportunities that exist when Technology and STEAM initiatives are embedded in the mainstream curriculum and beyond. 

You can follow Dr. Bron and her adventures at

robotics competition group

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