ISKL Students Make a Difference for Families in Cambodia

A holistic education at ISKL extends well beyond classroom learning and includes a comprehensive program of "service learning" opportunities where students are encouraged to get involved and make hands-on, positive changes within local communities.
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Holistic education at ISKL extends well beyond classroom learning and includes a comprehensive program of “service learning” opportunities where students are encouraged to get involved and make hands-on, positive changes within local communities.

ISKL senior, Alexandra (Alex) Fike, exemplifies ISKL’s service-learning mentality. Alex recently became an Executive Member of Habitat for Humanity (H4H) and brought us this story from a recent volunteer initiative in Cambodia.

In February nine ISKL students headed to Siem Reap, Cambodia to assist in building two houses for local families. Grade 12 student, Alex Fike described the build for us…

“It was an experience of a lifetime. The families were so appreciative of our visit and our contribution; it felt amazing. We nailed the floors into the base structure, and nailed the bamboo together then threaded dried palm leaves through to create walls.

The work was exhausting but felt so rewarding. We all came home with huge smiles on our faces! The local people were kind and respectful, and the kids were so much fun to play with. Just their laugh alone was enough to bring a smile to your face. It was definitely a highlight of 2018 for all of us and a wonderful opportunity! “

The trip itself is the culmination of many months of preparation, planning, and fundraising which develops valuable self-management and organizational skills. Most importantly it teaches our students about the value of service and the knowledge that their actions can make a positive difference to the lives of others. ISKL offers over 40 extracurricular activities in each division (ES, MS, HS) throughout the year, including many volunteer and service clubs.

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