ISKL Students Making a Difference at the MAD Youth Summit!

This event invited students, educators, and parents from the Klang Valley and other parts of Malaysia to make a difference in their communities and beyond, regarding the local issues of global importance that relate to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
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ISKL Key Club students and teacherThe MAD Youth Summit 2020 took place at Help International School in Subang Bestari, a suburb of Kuala Lumpur on Saturday, February 15, 2020. This event invited students, educators, and parents from the Klang Valley and other parts of Malaysia to make a difference in their communities and beyond, regarding the local issues of global importance that relate to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It was a Leaderonomics event, sponsored by corporations such as Microsoft, Maybank, Tetra Pak, and many others.

The message to parents included the importance of focusing on 21st-century skills, relating to the recent summary of the main reasons for their merits as per the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting, describing the changing set of “skills required to perform existing jobs” and the “specialized interpersonal skills [that] will be in high demand”.

It was reassuring to hear that ‘Relationship is All’ was the main message.

In our increasing machine and technology-centered world, developing and taking care of our relationships with different stakeholders and people we care about continue to be a priority.

Presenters at the summit discussed how storytelling, identifying one’s interests and passions in life, goal setting, and other strategies can nurture and grow our relationships. Some presenters also highlighted a mentoring approach to parenting, emphasizing the importance of supportive and constructive conversations in the household, promoting spending quality time together.

There were also shark-tank-like pitches for securing funds to further student service initiatives. ISKL’s Key Club at ISKL put in their bid for the yearbook project for their partner school, Zotung Refugee Catholic Learning Centre (ZRCLC). This was a good opportunity to meet students from other schools advocating for different kinds of causes to make their communities and partner communities a better place to be.

MAD youth summit inventionThe student exhibitions from different schools showcased service and sustainability projects that are similar to what ISKL students have been doing. This included installing green decorations and devices on campus, advocating for mental health, working with refugees and others in need of quality education and dignity in life, and creating sustainable products that can help with household cleaning. One group of students went to an Orang Asli community to install a water filtering system to eliminate harmful parasites in water. Seeing their passion and enthusiasm to contribute to enhancing community life and the environment was a true highlight of this youth summit.

Whenever there are opportunities to meet and network with others doing similar things as we are, there is a sense of connectedness that gives us renewed hope and faith in what we do every day, no matter how small an action that might be. So, get connected – the joy you gain from common interests and experiences is indeed energizing and reassuring! ~ HS Service & Sustainability Team

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