ISKL’s Seniors Give Advice On How To Learn From Home!

ISKL Senior Scarlett (Yee Shin Tan) from the Class of 2021, share some tips and tricks when it comes to learning from home.
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Try these: after school activitiesflexible pathwayscurriculum

Written by Scarlett (Yee Shin Tan)

Do you find yourself feeling demotivated these days? The COVID-19 situation has caused significant changes in everyday functioning, including school, and may contribute to increased stress among students. At The International School of Kuala Lumpur (ISKL), we encourage awareness and the importance of understanding mental health among our community. Our students also reflect on the importance of looking after their mental health, developing positive coping skills, and identifying sources of strength and well-being.

This is a written submission by ISKL Senior Scarlett (Yee Shin Tan) from the Class of 2021, on the tips and tricks by students, for students, when it comes to learning from home.

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Photo Credit: Scarlett T. (‘21)

Create a Positive Environment

Our senior Rahul highlighted how creating a positive environment has helped him cope during online school.

“Natural lighting helps so much. Having windows or any access to the outside world helps me feel less like I am trapped in my house and allows me to be less closed-minded. It gets me ready for greater thinking!” Rahul R. (’21)

Time to Yourself and Self Care 

Keeping productive can be challenging during times like this. We need to remind ourselves to prioritize our well-being, both physically and mentally as well.

“Something that helped me cope was taking a lot of breaks and making time for myself. Working out or getting some food and then coming back to my work worked for me. Teachers were supportive during the set afternoon help sessions. Using that time with the teachers helped me optimize my online learning experience.” Olivia S. (‘21)

Keep In Touch with Loved Ones

“Continuous learning was significantly more challenging than learning in person because we felt especially unmotivated to do any work. To cope with that, I tried to keep in touch a lot with my friends and to spend time with my family.”Amanda B. (‘21)

Build Healthy Habits

“I like to keep on top of my work when I’m at home. I do this by having a balanced diet and drinking a lot of coffee. By doing so, it helps me be productive. I also like to keep a good sleep schedule – at least four and a half hours of sleep at night. It helps me feel fresh in the mornings. During my study sessions, I like to listen to my productive Lo-fi study playlist.” – Aditya S. (‘21)

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Photo Credit: Thian A. (‘21)

Keeping on Top of Your Work and Being Productive

“I advise you to limit yourself to a set amount of time on your phone so that you can use your time doing more productive activities that would make you feel more motivated. I also recommend taking notes on paper during the online classes to promote memory retention. Most importantly, I like to Zoom call with my friends and discuss my ideas or review with them because that is the best way to learn.”Thian A. (‘21)

Mark Small Challenges
“Over the time we were learning online, I made sure to relax and not be overly productive. Stressing about all the work that needs to be done tends to make me feel unmotivated. Instead, I mark small challenges that feel more rewarding as I slowly but surely accomplish them.” – Yasmine M. (‘21)

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Photo Credit: Azra K. (‘21)

Exploring New Things

“Every day in quarantine started feeling the same for me. My solution to that was to start a new hobby, which was crocheting. As I applied my creativity to crocheted clothing and accessories, I figured I could make this hobby even more productive by making it into a small business. My small business has grown into something very important to me! Check out my business on Instagram (@bruh.lettes).” – Azra K. (‘21) 

The scale and unpredictability of this global event may bring up experiences of uncertainty and danger, which can evoke feelings of shock, confusion, frustration, and worry. Develop a routine that fits your current stress response and needs, recognizing that they may also change over the coming weeks and months. When it’s accessible, also feel and express gratitude, compassion, and hope. Read more tips on the blog, and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube to stay connected!


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