Making the ‘New Normal’ Sustainable

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New sustainability office exteriorWelcome back to school! We say that each year in August, but it means so much more this year as the Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO) still continues. It has been really nice to see the campus open for classes again. We hope you had a nice school holiday with a ‘Plan B’, even though you could not do what you normally do at this time of the year.

ISKL continued to be a busy place during the school holiday, with online summer school sessions and ongoing work for our school’s development. One of the outcomes can be seen surrounding our HS Service and Sustainability/ CAS Office:

This was realized through the Development Fund as part of the campus beautification efforts. Can you name all the plants that are growing on the wall? Other inspiring upgrades include an edible garden near the Norma J. Hudson amphitheatre and all the plants growing on campus. We are all so grateful for the ongoing, tireless work of our staff, administrators, and other stakeholders during the school holiday. Now that students are back, gardening and other sustainability clubs at ISKL are making plans to expand on this work, including composting and recycling.

Students continued to do what they could from home to be of service to others. As an example, a couple of students from HS Key Club recently went to their partner community school to donate the cloth face masks they made.

Key Club gifts

It is indeed heartwarming to see all the service and sustainability work amidst the COVID-19 pandemic uncertainties. They still remain at large, so we need to learn to lead a balanced life and live safe and well in the ‘new normal’. Let us all follow the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and continue to explore what you can do at home until the end of the RMCO or further notice. As always, please also check our school’s Service Channel for different needs and service opportunities to make a difference in someone’s life or community, as well as within our school community. If you have any ideas to share, please do contact any of the K – 12 Service and Sustainability coordinators. Wishing you all a wonderful start of the new academic year!

This article has been slightly amended and was originally written by ISKL’s High School (HS) Service & Sustainability Team.

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