After three days of racing, Nadia Redza ended her SEA Age Groups Swimming Championships 2016 with a bronze in 400m individual medley (5.08.82L), 4th place in 100m backstroke (1:09.7L), 6th place in 200m breaststroke (2:46.10L) and 7th place in 200m individual medley (2:27.23). Her effort is truly an achievement for a senior finishing her IB program.

Nadia made her first debut at the 2012 SEA Age Groups Swimming Championships in Palembang, Indonesia and continued to qualify for four consecutive SEA Age Groups Swimming Championships. Nadia has managed to medal at every single SEA Age Groups Swimming Championships since and this year is no exception. She was co-captain of the Malaysian team last year and nominated captain for the team this year.

Today she heads back to KL to prepare for her semester exams. Congratulations on your successes Nadia, ISKL celebrates with you and we are very proud of you!

Nadia Redza SEA Swimming Championship

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