Panthers Of ISKL #53 – Rina Sharina – The Devoted Nurse

This week we met up with Rina Sharina Roslan, the Middle School Nurse!

Rina joined ISKL in 2016, having been trained as a Pediatric nurse after working in Saudi Arabia. She has a Bachelor of Nursing Science (Hons) Post Registration with honors and a nursing diploma.

Rina was born and raised in Ampang Jaya, Selangor, and lives with her young daughter, Ingrid. She’s also an avid jogger running 5 km under 35 minutes and wants to learn to play the drums!

Here is her story.

“I joined the Malaysian National Service Training Programme (PLKN) service after High School as part of my National Service, where I learned a lot about self-discipline since, at the time, I did not know what I wanted to do in my life. I was really into jet fighters and sent my application to the Royal Malaysian Air Force, but was rejected.

‘However, one fateful day, the Ministry of Health mentioned that Malaysia has a critical shortage of nursing staff in Malaysia, and were asking more urbanites to join and become a nurse. Initially, my parents were against this because no one in the family was a nurse. I have four siblings – my sister is a secretary, my second brother a graphic designer, and my other brother and younger sister work in marketing – I’m the only one in my family who is doing something different!

‘In 2011, I was sent to Saudi Arabia to work at the King Fahad National Centre for Children’s Cancer, and again two years later I worked at the National Guard military hospital also in Saudia Arabia until 2015 where I was assigned to the Pediatric Oncology unit, a high dependency unit.

‘I remember when I had to send a 13-year-old child to the morgue – I was with him in the ambulance. He had just lost his battle with cancer due to a solid tumor, and it was hard for him because his health had slowly deteriorated. I was utterly feeling sad and down for the next few days, and it made me realize that life is short.

‘I joined ISKL in 2016 after coming back from Saudi Arabia. My daily activities are applying first aid, taking care of our inventory, updating the students’ immunization, following up with their allergies, medications, maintaining their health records, reviewing student health forms, and performing tuberculosis screenings if required.

‘If there’ is an emergency, it is our department who has to make the final decision. We have the autonomy to decide what should be done, and at the same time, what are the decisions best for the student. I had a case last year where a vendor was hypoglycemic and unconscious. We were all ready with our automated external defibrillator (AEDs) and oxygen if his condition deteriorated. Thankfully, he is fine now.


“What I love most about the school is the teamwork, the support, the culture of working here.”

‘Now I am currently pursuing my Masters in Science in Nursing and have just sent off a research proposal. I am also the only nurse on the Malaysia Rugby Medical Team and have been appointed Secretary of the International Medical University (IMU) Alumni Association Committee.

‘My advice for anyone who wants to become a nurse is that you must have a passion for being one – don’t be a nurse because your parents asked you to! Nursing is a combination of art and science; the art side being compassionate, kind, and caring, whereas the science part is skills and knowledge. The most important part about being a nurse is having passion and empathy – being a nurse doesn’t stop when your job ends!

‘For example, last year I witnessed an accident at the Ampang – Kuala Lumpur Elevated Highway (AKLEH). Luckily I always have a first aid kit in my car, so I could attend to a casualty whose glasses had punctured into her head. The road had grazed her face, and her tibia and fibula were fractured. I took care of her by helping the ambulance team (who I knew) who sent her to Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL) and visited her there the next day. It felt good to care for someone – even a stranger.

‘You also need to be able to care for other people, emotionally and physically. After 13 years of being a nurse, I realize that I am still learning to be a good one. Only you know what’s inside of you and what you are capable of.

‘I am happy being a nurse, but I am still looking to achieve my life goal – such as getting a Doctorate. I also want to give a shout out to Samuel – who has been there for me when I needed someone to listen to when I have problems and worries. He has been my anchor these past few months. My daughter, too, makes me a strong person. She makes me be a better person, and I think, in other ways, she’s the one who takes care of my wellbeing. Just seeing her face makes my day feel lighter!”

“My best memory in ISKL was when I joined the Middle School trip to Tioman Island!”

What does “Be All You Are” mean to you?

“It means that you shouldn’t stop even though there are hurdles, and from that, it will mold you to be the best you.”

Do you know a student, faculty, staff, or alumni with a story to tell? Nominate them to be featured in our Panthers of ISKL stories by sending in your submissions to PanthersofISKL.

To find out more inspiring stories of our staff and faculty read about Mohd Afif, our Ignite speaker from the Music department, or Nevdon Jamgochian, our inspiring MS Art teacher,

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