Parents Volunteers Make All the Difference

ISKL could not thank enough its amazing Parent Community. The ISKL Parent Volunteer Appreciation Brunch recognized our parent volunteers who serve graciously and tirelessly on our PTA every year
Thank you ISKL parents 2017
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ISKL recently celebrated our phenomenal community support at the Parent Volunteer Appreciation Brunch.

PTA Appreciation

CULTURE-OF-CARE-AND-EMPATHYDYNAMIC-COMMUNITYWe recognize all our parent volunteers who have served graciously and tirelessly on our PTA every year. This group of women and men support ISKL each day in a myriad of ways organizing community building events including new parent welcome coffees, specialist speakers forums, ISKL Celebrates Ball, Booster Hut, Pac Shack, Quiz Night, Scouts, Piranhas Swim Team, International Fest, Christmas Around the World, after school activities, Moving On and Graduation ceremonies. Many of these events also provide valuable support for our Inspiration Fund which ultimately benefits all our students.

Thank you to the PTA and all our parent volunteers for your time, energy, and enthusiasm across the many events and activities that make our community so special.

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