Raising The Green Flag For Sustainability

The school is an Eco-School Model for other International schools to follow and learn. They are a showcase of the benefits of the eco-school program. ISKL is always thinking about cost savings without decrementing its education standards.
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The green flag on the top of the pole

We are delighted to announce that ISKL has again received the prestigious Eco-Schools Green Flag Award, an internationally recognized award for excellence in environmental action and learning.

ISKL is a member of the Eco-Schools organization and was the first school in Malaysia to receive a Green Flag Award back in 2013. Environmental education and sustainable management practices underpin our commitment to sustainability, and we are guided as a school, by our School-wide Learning Result to “Live Ethically” which calls for each of us to “demonstrate personal and social responsibility in the way we care and work to improve conditions for self, others, and this place”.

The Eco-Schools Programme is coordinated by the WWF (World Wildlife Fund) in Malaysia. It is the largest sustainable school program in the world, with 52,000 schools registered in the program in 67 countries.

Assessors who are either WWF members or university professors and/or community leaders who represent Eco-Schools stated in their report “We would like to congratulate the International School of Kuala Lumpur (ISKL) for the efforts and time dedicated to turning your school into a greener place. The whole school is built to reduce the impact on the environment. All school activities (clubs, sports, community work, indoors, outdoors, etc) are linked to their eco-program. A checklist is used to ensure proper eco governance within the school. Canteen food waste is monitored to ensure students only take what they need. Greywater is extensively used to flush waste and water the plants.

The whole school compound is clean and tidy, especially the washrooms are very clean and decorated with live plants hanging on the walls. The school is an Eco-School Model for other International schools to follow and learn. They are a showcase of the benefits of the eco-school program. ISKL is always thinking about cost savings without decrementing its education standards. Strong support from the school Principal and administrators, with assistance from dedicated teacher and non-teaching staff to help out a student with their eco-program. Although very active with global environmental education, most of them are done locally by getting international students from ASEAN countries (refugee program) to participate in ISKL Eco activities. Every level of the school is involved with the Eco Programme, for example, during the assessment the presentation was given by K4 -K5 pupils”.

This is indeed an amazing result and is thanks to the hard work and dedication of the administration, faculty, Green Council and students at ISKL. As a school, we are extremely proud of our continued growth and are excited about our ongoing program of sustainability initiatives and activities.

The Eco Schools banner

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