Reaching For 2030 At IASAS MUN 2019

Every year, each of the six Interscholastic Association of Southeast Asian Schools (IASAS) bring delegates together to host a Model United Nations (MUN) conference. At its very core, MUN is about understanding the dynamic relations between countries that shape our world today.
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Every year, each of the six Interscholastic Association of Southeast Asian Schools (IASAS) bring delegates together to host a Model United Nations (MUN) conference. At its very core, MUN is about understanding the dynamic relations between countries that shape our world today. Fundamentally speaking, MUN provides an insight into contemporary world affairs, providing an opportunity to address global issues from a multitude of perspectives. This year IASAS MUN will be hosted at The International School of Kuala Lumpur (ISKL) from November 7-9.

In preparation for the conference, everyone has been hard at work to prepare for the fast-approaching conference. The conference will feature over 200 student delegates coming from 14 schools, not only from Southeast Asia but from the wider Asian region, there will be 9 committees featured from the classics of the Human Rights Committee, and the Disarmament and International Security Committee to the more experimental committees of UN4MUN and ASEAN. As a student organizing group, we are hoping to blend both the status quo of MUN conferences and what is to be the future. With a committee like that of UN4MUN, it aims to better demonstrate the true debate style and balance within the real UN meetings.

However, this conference and it’s success comes from the continued work and dedication of the organizing secretariat team, the wonderful selected chairs, and passionate delegates.

On our Delegates part, they first when through the IASAS grueling 7-week selection process, ending with a mini-conference simulation (MiniMUN).  We had a very competitive selection cycle this year but we are very confident in their abilities to represent ISKL and the traditioned excellency we carry. Our delegates this year are listed as: Ryan L (G12), Dhruv G (G12), Arezu K (G12), Aditya S (G11), Max V (G11), Yew Y (G11), Michael S (G11), Pranit S (G11), Jeffrey S (G10), Hassan Z (G10), HongJu L (G10), Miriam W (G10), Ashika B (G10), and Aditya M (G9). Please do congratulate them if you see them around. Since selection they have been spending their time researching the topics of their committee, forming country positions, drafting resolutions, and crafting strong interesting opening speeches. Their efforts will prove to be not only fruitful to debate but broaden their worldly experiences. Delegates are brimming with glee and counting down the days to the conference.

On our Chairs part, they have been putting together background papers on all the topics within their committees and gearing up for the conference by reviewing parliamentary procedure, chair procedure, and gearing up to be the best mediators they can for effective debate. Both our chairs will be helping run non-traditional committees with Dev Belliappa (12) running our Historical Joint Crisis Committee (HJCC), which will be running through the scenario of the Iranian Revolution; and our second Chair Diya Nanavati (11) will be running our UN4MUN committee, which will be debating the SDGs of The question of reducing gender inequalities in developing nations and the question of ensuring free and fair elections. Please also congratulate them if you see them around.

Finally, On the part of the Secretariat, planning commenced at the beginning of April this year and the secretariat team chosen is made up of Bryce V (G12), Fehma Z (G12), and myself this year. We have spent countless hours putting together spreadsheets of logistics, country assignments, rosters, and much more. Pouring over every detail of the conference from the type of notepaper we will be using, to the placards for nations, and the theme of the conference. The secretariat team invites all to learn more about the conference by checking out the website we developed.

However, of special significance to this year’s conference is the theme “Reaching for 2030”. The theme is intended to signify the empowerment of the youth for a better future during a pivotal time of our lives, as well as directly referencing the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). With the world seemingly on the precipice of environmental ruin, economic volatility, and the ever-present threat of nuclear warfare, we as the youth are the way forward and the leaders of tomorrow. So we wish for the young leaders and changemakers to take big leaps, seize opportunities, and look toward the future – reach for 2030.

Concluding we would really like to thank the hidden supporters that have helped put this conference together with us as a secretariat. Our advisors Mr. Martin, Mr. Hengstler, and Ms. Tilton. The ever accommodating Activities and Athletics department who have to no end helped put together our vision, so thank you Mr. Naughton and Mr. Allum. To the wonderful facilities department that will be helping set up and arrange the gargantuan tasks of the conference. And finally our parents, who have infinitely helped support us as students, and our passionate pursuits in MUN. Thanks so much.

On behalf of IASAS MUN 2019,
Isabella Jokela 

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