Senior Award Ceremony

The 2017 ISKL Senior Award Ceremony recognized students who have demonstrated excellence, dedication, and passion for academics, sports, visual and performing arts, or community service. A true testament to all that ISKL believes in. Well done to all the awards recipients.
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Award Collage

This years’ Senior Award Ceremony was held on Wednesday, May 31, 2017, in our Robert B. Gaw theater. The annual event recognizes students who have demonstrated excellence, dedication, and passion for academics, sports, visual and performing arts, or community service. Major award recipients include:

Hee Won Bahk ’94 Award for International Understanding
Sol Aguero, Grade 12

Robert B. Gaw Award
Lily Casey, Grade 12

Principal’s Award
Elena Ortiz, Grade 12

John G. Hadwen Award, Outstanding Senior
Naeema Hopkins-Kotb, Grade 12

An impressive 153 outstanding students were honored at this year’s High School Senior Awards and Farewell assembly.

Congratulations to all our award recipients!




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