Smart Campus Transforms Learning at The International School Of Kuala Lumpur

ISKL's transition to the new, purpose-built Ampang campus in the heart of Kuala Lumpur presented an extraordinary greenfield opportunity for our specialist Technology team to research, design, and develop a Smart Campus from the ground up. The result is a digital learning space designed around worldwide best practice that is set to reshape how our students learn, study, and collaborate.
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ISKL’s transition to the new, purpose-built Ampang campus in the heart of Kuala Lumpur presented an extraordinary greenfield opportunity for our specialist Technology team to research, design, and develop a Smart Campus from the ground up. The result is a digital learning space designed around worldwide best practice that is set to reshape how our students learn, study, and collaborate.

“The new campus provides students and faculty with the best in today’s educational technology and has been planned as a future-proof learning environment to accommodate tomorrow’s technological developments,” said David Neudorf, ISKL’s Director of Technology. “The interactive technologies we have incorporated into our classroom experience and the behind-the-scenes advanced IT infrastructure will provide students with a learning environment designed to stimulate ideas, innovation, and creativity both now and into the future.”

Every core classroom is fitted with an interactive projector that transforms the classroom presentation wall into a huge drawing board, allowing students and teachers to handwrite comments and diagrams directly onto the projection, navigate resources and then save for printing or editing. This is the first major installation of this kind of technology in Malaysia by Epson and takes student engagement to a whole new level. Built on intuitive technology, the projector enables students to write on the screen simultaneously and is specifically designed to facilitate collaboration. The projector can be connected wirelessly to devices such as laptops and smartphones. As a moderator, the teacher can then display contents from up to four devices simultaneously onto the screen and link the students’ work together for side-by-side evaluation, enabling broad-based group discussion.

All core classrooms feature IdeaPaint on presentation walls which span the width of the class; this technology is prevalent in the advertising industry, where creativity and collaboration are critical. IdeaPaint turns the wall into a giant, fully writable space, giving the teacher and students all the room they need to create, connect and explore big ideas.

Other classroom technology includes high-quality sound delivered through Bluetooth speakers and remote access control. Faculty and students are also able to screencast content using Apple TVs and Google Chromecasts.

The more than 400 wireless access points throughout the campus deliver an internet speed of up to 5 Gbps to ensure super fast connection and interactivity. The user experience will be enhanced further by ISKL’s ability to control network traffic by prioritizing desired traffic and limiting unwanted traffic.

ISKL has a school-wide 1:1 device policy and provides Elementary and Middle School students with iPads and MacBooks; High School students bring their own device. As a leading international school with a large student population and faculty base, ensuring the seamless rollout and use of technology is critical. ISKL’s recognition of the vital role IT plays in learning is reflected in its commitment to a Technology Department comprising more than 20 in-house tech specialists who work closely with faculty and students. Speaking on behalf of his team, David Neudorf concludes, “ISKL is dedicated to providing the best learning environment possible, and we are excited to see the reaction from both faculty and students when they experience ISKL’s new smart campus.”

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