Stories of the ISKL Board Directors

This is the mantra of the parents-elected Board of Directors who are the governing body of ISKL. Their tireless work and piercing vision in ensuring that all resources are well managed and invested to support our students is a noteworthy achievement.
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ISKL board of directors 2019-2020

“Coming together to create an environment that supports ISKL’s mission and vision.”

This is the mantra of the parents-elected Board of Directors who are the governing body of ISKL. Their tireless work and piercing vision in ensuring that all resources are well managed and invested to support our students is a noteworthy achievement. But who are these parents-turned-Board members? Below we unveil a few quotes that reveal who they are!

Current Board Members

Students of ISKL

‘I decided to become a Board member in return for the great experience ISKL is providing to my daughter – and interacting with the parents of different nationalities is an experience in itself.’  ~ ISKL Board Member Hisham Mokhtar (Treasurer) on the best part of working as a Board Member.

‘The best part about being a Board member is the fact that we are a dedicated group of society members with the best interests of students at its core.  Secondly, the chance to work with some of the foremost education sector administrators I’ve ever met and the challenge of moving ISKL from its current outstanding level to something even better in the future is intriguing and exciting! 

I believe as a Board we’ve successfully transitioned ISKL to a new purpose-built facility that protects the integrity of the ISKL culture and student-centric education process, while expanding the options for community members to ensure that ISKL remains the standard-bearer for international education in Malaysia.’  ~ ISKL Board Member Dean Thompson (Vice-Chair) on loving his duty in being a Board member.

Elementary girl painting

‘ISKL is a big part of my children’s lives everyday and a central part of my family community – joining the board is an opportunity to participate and contribute to a shared vision for our kids. I enjoy working with like-minded people on shared objectives.  ~ ISKL Board Member Jessica Wright (Secretary) on how her service as a Board member made an impact on the community:

‘I joined the Board because I wanted the majority of my school volunteer hours to be spent working on strategic and big picture issues related to the health and growth of the school. I feel incredibly fortunate to have gotten to spend more in-depth time with the faculty and administration. I have learned so much from them about how decisions are made, what goals drive those decisions, and how hard everyone at the school works to make it the wonderful place that it is’.

One of the most significant activities I was involved with last year was the hiring process for our next Head of School. I can say without reservation that our decision to hire Rami Madani to continue the legacy of terrific heads of school for ISKL has already impacted the ISKL community in great ways, and that impact will continue for years to come’.  ~ ISKL Board Member Anna-Marie Pampellonne on why she became a Board member.

ISKL Panthers showing team spirit

‘It was a way to be involved with my kids’ education in a way that worked well with my work schedule. In just two short years, serving on the Board has taught me so much about education and all that goes into my kids’ learning.  I enjoy my “day job” but Board work is just as interesting and engaging.

I’m proud that the Board has helped empower our new Head of School to focus on his job and have a great start to his tenure’.  ~ ISKL Board Member Ian Brown (Chair) on why he became a Board member.

Former Board Members

Elementary kids playing chess

‘On a personal level, I joined the board both as a way to contribute to community building, and to develop a more comprehensive understanding of how international schools are governed.  What I enjoyed most about the experience was the collegial interaction with other board members and members of the administration – and by “collegial,” I don’t mean to imply that our engagements were always placid and without controversy.

But they were always respectful and civil.  In fact, I found discussion on the most contentious issues the most energizing and rewarding – and is the best indicator of a healthy board and board/administration relationship, no matter how passionate the debate, at the end of the day mutual respect and goodwill endured.  Serving on the board, you will learn a great deal not only about school governance and policy – you’ll learn lessons about yourself and the way you interact with others that can be carried into other spheres of your daily life’.  ~ Former ISKL Board Member Matt Keene on why he became a Board member.

Elementary kids reading a book together

‘Initially, I saw joining the Board as a unique way to volunteer and after six years of working closely with the Head of School, key Administrators and my fellow Board members, I can say that it was an incredible learning experience where lifelong friendships were made.

As a team we kept each other grounded in our mission and vision and provided a framework for good decision making to benefit students and the ISKL community’.  ~  Former ISKL Board Member Kelly O’ Hale on why she became a Board member.

ISKL kids working as a community

‘As a new parent, I wanted to quickly get involved in the community and ISKL.  The Board was a fantastic avenue. I enjoyed being in the dialogue on how to help ISKL progress and grow.

I tried to use my finance and governance background to ensure the community maintained confidence in the Board and Admin’.  ~  Former ISKL Board Member Dave Thomas on why he became a Board member.

That wraps up our short stories of who, what, and why are our parents-turned-Board of Directors, doing what they do here at ISKL!

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