ISKL proudly hosted its second TEDxISKL Talks recently at its Robert B Gaw Theatre. This years’ theme, “Tomorrow Today” provided those in attendance with a unique look at many issues our society will face in the future, through the voice of a diverse platform of speakers. This year’s TEDx Talks featured our own, Vincent Cee, High School Strings Teacher, students Hugh Baillie and Nish Selvalingam, as well as Marina Mahathir, daughter of the former Prime Minister and many more.

TED is a nonprofit organization devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. Started as a four-day conference in California 26 years ago, TED has grown to support those world-changing ideas with multiple initiatives. At TED, the world’s leading thinkers and doers are asked to give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes ISKL’s Ted X Talk is annually organized by students, with support from faculty and funding raised independently. ISKL’s TEDx Talks was one of the very first hosted by a school in Malaysia when it started last year.

Congratulations and thank you to all our speakers and organizers.


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