On January 20, 2017, both ISKL campus’ had the pleasure of welcoming the US Ambassador Kamala Shirin Lakhdhir in for a visit. Along with two other members from the Embassy, Ambassador Lakhdhir was given a tour of the two schools where she met several students and faculty along the way.

As Ambassador Lakhdhir toured both schools, she was eager to inform faculty and students about the work she contributes at the US embassy along with all the recent events tied to the presidential inauguration. Students were keen on learning about President Trump and his responsibilities as well as what it takes to become one. Having a strong political background, students thought highly of Ambassador Lakhdhir.

She became a role model to many and served as a huge positive influence. The ISKL community was beyond appreciative to have her visit and welcomes her anytime she pleased.

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Latest update: October 26

  • Early Childhood, Life-Centered Education (LCE), Grade 10, 11 and 12
    On Campus Learning from October 25

  • Grade 1, 2, 3 and 9
    On Campus Learning from November 1

  • Grade 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8
    On Campus Learning from November 8
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