Visiting Artist – Mr. Oscar Olivares

On Wednesday, September 20, 2017, the Middle and High School Art Departments had the pleasure of hosting Mr. Oscar Olivares, a young painting and illustration artist from Venezuela. Mr. Olivares shared with our students how he was inspired to create art through the events happening in his home country, and how as an artist, he had the choice to pursue hope in his artworks while there might be turmoil around him. Mr. Olivares also spoke to our students about how he pursued his dream of being an artist even though he faced obstacles, and he kept on drawing and creating art - which was very inspiring to our students.
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GLOBAL-OPPORTUNITIES INTERNATIONAL-MINDEDNESSOscar OlivaresOn Wednesday, September 20, 2017, the Middle and High School Art Departments had the pleasure of hosting Mr. Oscar Olivares, a young painting and illustration artist from Venezuela. Mr. Olivares shared with our students how he was inspired to create art through the events happening in his home country, and how as an artist, he had the choice to pursue hope in his artworks while there might be turmoil around him. Mr. Olivares also spoke to our students about how he pursued

his dream of being an artist even though he faced obstacles, and he kept on drawing and creating art – which was very inspiring to our students.

In our workshops, the students also had a chance to visually explore what some of their life dreams might be. They were encouraged to keep exploring the world around them through art and to never give up on pursuing whatever their goals might be. Thanks go to the owners of El Maiz restaurant who sponsored Mr. Olivares’ trip, and to members of the PTA who suggested the visit.

Oscar with the studdents


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